We noticed how from the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century until today the R&D consulting service, or in general the services supporting the research and development departments, have basically remained the same. The consultant develops and delivers the project, or part of it, and then the costumer integrates it with his own offer of products or services. Nowadays - with an ever-increasing focus on knowledge reuse, the introduction of structured archiving and coding systems and generally the various systems that go under the acronyms of EDM, TDM, PDM and PLM - integrating projects carried out by other people is no longer so simple, and above all they are often developed differently from how the technical office of the customer company would develop them.
Therefore, we wondered if there could be a better way to support the modern internal R&D department; so that it would enhance the internal knowledge of the company, eliminate the most "annoying" tasks for the operators and above all that it could also be a perfectly integrated support in the research and development processes of the manufacturing sector.
We believe we have developed a set of services - which will be referred to as "OUR SERVICES" - that can offer a concrete and competitive advantage to modern R&D department. These services respect more the processes and enhance the role of internal operators within the company.
What is proposed here is not only the result of reasoning and innovative ideas, but it is something tested by several important companies who already managed to have great immediate advantages deriving from the application of the services proposed here, besides a general improvement in the internal staff working conditions.
This is possible because our services are aimed at enhancing the company's internal skills and not at their replacement or alienation in favor of economically advantageous solutions only, as often happens in the choice of support services provided by external staff often selected on the basis of a criterion of mere hourly cost.